This is the first quarterly report on The Official Information Portal for Anaerobic Digestion, This report coincides with the launch of the AD Strategy and Action Plan, and the latest news is that Defra have asked the NNFCC to continue its support of the portal for a further three years.
Environment Minister, Lord Henley, said "I have agreed that Defra should fund the AD portal for the next three years. This portal, managed by NNFCC, is seen by the industry and by myself as being the key first point of contact; signposting local authorities, business, farmers and the wider public to a wide range of information and advice."
This comes at a time when the anaerobic digestion industry is changing. Since March, the UK Government has announced both the Renewable Heat Incentive and changes to the Feed-in Tariffs for AD. In Northern Ireland the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Industry (DETI) also announced amendments to the Northern Ireland Renewables Obligation, which increases support for AD. For the latest information on all these incentives, specific to each region, please visit our incentives page.
The biogas installations map has been updated to include the latest plants that have come online in recent months. There are now 63 operational on and off-farm AD plants in the UK, generating renewable energy (June 2011). This marks a seventeen per cent increase in the number of plants since the start of 2011. For the latest information on operational AD plants please visit our Biogas Map Page
Thanks to ongoing collaborative work between the NNFCC, Zero Waste Scotland and the DETI in Northern Ireland there is now relevant information concerning funding, incentives, regulations, planning, digestate uses and standards for England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Return to the website regularly for the latest news, updates and information on AD and biogas from the Official Information Portal.