The Official Information Portal on Anaerobic Digestion

IEA Bioenergy Task 37 Publish Report on Use of Digestate as Biofertiliser

digestateThe International Energy Agency Bioenergy Task 37 have produced a brochure on the "Utilisation of digestate from biogas plants as biofertiliser".

This brochure describes how anaerobic digestion of manures and other organic residues can be used to produce both renewable energy and organic fertiliser – as biogas and digestate. It concludes that digestate is an easy to use biofertiliser, that can be used to replace fossil fuels that otherwise would be used for fertiliser manufacture and its transport around the world. Production of good quality digestate for use as biofertiliser is the result of careful control of all aspects of the process, from feedstock to field. Feedstock selection, adherence to strict standards (government and/or farmer determined) and compliance with codes of good agricultural practice are all key issues.

To read more or download the brochure, follow the link below:

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